SDF General Command meets with the representatives of North-East Syria components

Discussions centered on the implementation of Law No. (10) regarding general amnesty for prisoners, as approved by the Autonomous Administration, and releasing families from north and eastern Syria currently residing in the Al-Hol Camp.

The SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi and Rohlat Afrin, Commander of the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), held a meeting with representatives of various Arab and Kurdish communities and clans from north and eastern Syria. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the outcomes of the recent Syrian Tribes Forum, reported the SDF Media Center.

According to SDF statement, discussions centered on the implementation of Law No. (10) regarding general amnesty for prisoners, as approved by the Autonomous Administration, and releasing families from north and eastern Syria currently residing in the Al-Hol camp. Both parties explored methods and timelines for enacting the decisions reached at the previous tribal forum.

Abdi outlined the process for prisoner release and the ongoing efforts to facilitate the release of families from the Al-Hol camp. The tribal representatives, in turn, expressed appreciation for the initiatives undertaken by the Autonomous Administration, the SDF, and the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC). They emphasized the importance of unity among all components of north and eastern Syria in confronting terrorism and foreign occupation.

Following this meeting and a series of prior discussions and the amnesty issued by the People’s Democratic Assembly, two batches of prisoners were released on Sunday from the Gweran prison in al-Hasakah. The released individuals numbered approximately 99. Further releases are anticipated in the coming days. The release of Syrian families from the Al-Hol camp will take place at a designated future date.