PYD: Yazidi forces represent the will of Shengal people

PYD General Council responded to the Iraqi government's efforts to undermine the will of the Yazidis in Shengal following an agreement with the KDP and the Turkish state.

The General Council of Democratic Union Party (PYD) released a written statement on the threats and invasion attempts against the city of Shengal (Sinjar) in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq.

Condemning the Iraqi government’s anti-democratic measures against Shengal Autonomous Administration, the PYD statement said;

“The people of Shengal have suffered repeated massacres up to date because of the fact that they had no defense force. The most concrete example is the massacre committed by ISIS mercenaries against Shengal’s people on 3 August 2014.

“Internal Security Forces and YBŞ (Shengal Defense Units) represent the will of Shengal people. They are also an assurance for preventing another massacre against the people of Shengal. These forces are a part of Iraq’s defense institution and they are not against the laws of the Iraqi government.”

Commending the resistance of Shengal people, PYD General Council said; “The Shengal Autonomous Administration, as a democratic and alternative model, stands as a solution to all political causes in Iraq.”

PYD ended its statement with the following call; “The Iraqi government should use a language of dialogue rather than pressure and threat. It should also take the importance of the region into consideration. We state that we claim the will of Shengal people. Self-defense is a legitimate right and cannot be denied.”