Popular action in Heseke demands freedom for Öcalan

Kurdish people continue their protests to demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in incommunicado detention in Turkey and has not been heard from for 30 months.

Imprisoned for more than 24 years on the prison island of Imrali, the Kurdish people's leader, Abdullah Öcalan, has been held incommunicado for 30 months now, without any contact with the outside world. The complete lack of information regarding the situation of Öcalan and his three fellow prisoners – Hamili Yıldırım, Ömer Hayri Konar and Veysi Aktaş – raises growing concerns about their safety and health. Countless requests for visits filed for years by the lawyers and families of Imrali detainees have gone unanswered.

The Popular Initiative in the Cizire Region in North-East Syria has been organizing a series of actions and activities since 9 September to denounce the aggravated isolation of Abdullah Öcalan.

In the scope of the activities, the Popular Initiative started an action in Syriac Square in the Nasra neighborhood of Heseke today.

The action, which is taking place in a tent set up in the square, is attended by local people, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations, as well as delegations from the Education Centre, Energy Committee and Economy Committee in North-East Syria.

Speaking here, Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Council member Nalin Eli stated that the people in North-East Syria have made many achievements thanks to the ideas and philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan.

Nalin Eli pointed out that the goal of the ongoing conspiracy against Öcalan was to prevent a revolution, and that Öcalan frustrated the conspiracy and turned the Imrali Prison into an Academy of science and enlightenment.

Nalin Eli called on all those who advocate for revolution and democracy to enhance the struggle until the isolation of Öcalan is broken and his physical freedom ensured. Eli also called on the international community and relevant institutions and organizations to denounce the unlawful treatment of the Kurdish leader.

The action will conclude tomorrow evening.