Oxygen cylinders can be filled in Dêrik Hospital

Oxygen cylinders are filled in a unit in Dêrik Hospital which was opened by Health Committee of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

After the curfew declared in Dêrik, where coronavirus cases increased, urban mobility decreased considerably. Needs of the people who do not go out on the streets are provided by the Autonomous Administration. The Health Committee has taken measures to protect the public from the virus. Oxygen cylinders are filled in the unit opened in Dêrik Hospital. The tubes in the center, where an average of 85 oxygen cylinders are filled daily, are used in the treatment of coronavirus patients.

Giving information on the subject, Qamişlo Health Committee Spokesperson Rojin Ehmed said, “We expect the number of coronavirus cases to increase in the winter season. There was a lack of oxygen tubes in the Dêrik Hospital. This has been resolved in the unit we just opened. The most important need of coronavirus patients is oxygen tubes. 85 tubes can be filled daily in the unit. Autonomous Administration will continue to use all its means to prevent the spread of coronavirus."