One civilian kidnapped, 300 trees burned down in Turkish-occupied Afrin

Crimes and violations continue unabated in the occupied city of Afrin, where the Turkish state established a terror regime.

According to an ANHA report based on local sources, gangs affiliated to the '112th group' of the occupying Turkish state kidnapped a 40-year-old citizen named Menan Miho Nesan.

It was reported that the family of Menan Miho, who comes from Dimili village of Mabata, paid the gangs a ransom of 3 thousand dollars in return for the release of their son, who, however, was not released.

According to his family, Menan was taken to a prison near Kilis and his fate is unknown.

Another source reported that the Ahrar al-Sharqiya gangs affiliated to the Turkish state burned down 300 trees of apricots, cherries and olives in the village of Eltaniya in the district of Rajo.

Afrin occupied since 2018

The Turkish state established a complete terror regime in Afrin, which it occupied in 2018. Kidnapping, torture, execution, extortion and plunder have become daily crimes.

By documenting human rights violations and abductions by the Turkish army and its gangs in Afrin, the Violations Documentation Centre is trying to draw the attention of the international community to these inhumane acts. The report highlights the fact that abductees are often held arbitrarily and forcibly, and points to the deteriorating security situation in Afrin.

According to the Crime Documentation Centre, at least 28 people were abducted in April. According to the same source, at least 435 people were abducted in Afrin in 2023. Among them are children and 180 patients.