Occupation forces attack a village in Til Temir

Turkey escalates its attacks on North-East Syria in violation of international law.

The Rojava-based Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported that the invading Turkish state forces and allied mercenaries attacked the region of Til Temir (Tal Tamr) in the Heseke Canton on Wednesday.

According to the report, the aggression by howitzers was directed against the village of Qibûr Qeracîne to the north of the district.

Details about the attack were not immediately available.

The strategic position of Til Temir

Til Temir holds a key position in Turkey's occupation plans because the M4 passes through the district. The international traffic route is considered the lifeline of northern Syria, because it connects the Euphrates and Cizîrê regions with each other. Since the invasion of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) by Turkey, in October 2019, more than thirty villages near Til Temir have already been occupied.

Attacks in the region occur almost daily, with phases of high intensity alternating with phases of low intensity. 27 villages in the Khabur valley are directly on the front line. Five of all Assyrian villages in the region have already been depopulated by Turkey's attacks. Scores of people have been killed in the attacks and dozens injured. The Syrian troops stationed in Til Temir and the Russian military are not fulfilling their function of complying with a de-escalation and ceasefire agreement agreed between Ankara, Moscow and Washington in the course of the 2019 war of aggression.