Identities of SDF martyrs fallen fighting the invasion disclosed

The SDF Press Office has released details of the fighters who fell martyrs fighting the Turkish invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria.

 The SDF Press Office statement reads:

"The invasion carried out by the Turkish army and mercenaries against Northern and Eastern Syria continues.

The attacks are also targeting civilians settlements and service institutions (Water, Electricity, Bakeries, Market, etc.).

The SDF fighters are fighting a historical resistance. The Turkish army and its mercenaries are being dealt heavy blows.

Ten fighters have fallen martyrs in this resistance.

As SDF, we promise that we will stand by our martyrs and their families and the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria against the invasion attacks.

The identity of the martyrs is as follows:

Code Name: Dilovan Kobanê

Name Surname: Ebîd Berkel

Father Name: Mihemed

Mother's Name: Sedîqa

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Course Title: Cûdî Kobanê

Name Surname: Ehmed Mihemed

Father Name: Mihemed

Mother's Name: Cemîla

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Code Name: Xemgîn Îdiq

Name Surname: Xelîl Elî

Father's Name: Elledîn

Mother's Name: Şemsa

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Code Name: Raman Raman

Name Surname: Hisên Hesen Yûsif

Father Name: Hesen

Mother's Name: Mary

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Code Name: Xebata Hewar

Name and Surname: Lezgîn Hemê

Father Name: Abu Zaid

Mother's Name: Mary

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Serêkaniyê / 11 October 2019


Code Name: Şoreş Kobanê

Name Surname: Mustefa Miso

Father Name: Mustefa

Mother's Name: Edla

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Code Name: Turtle Kobane

Name Surname: Fetah Hecî Îsa

Father Name: Hecî

Mother's Name: Emina

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Kobanê 10 October 2019


Code Name: Hogir Kobanê

Name and Surname: Elî Bekrî Biko

Father's Name: Bekrî

Mother Name: Şarê

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Eyn Îsa 10 October 2019


Code Name: Lorens Hesekê

Name Surname: Elî Xabûr

Father's Name: Îbrahîm

Mother's Name: Rîm

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Serêkaniyê / 11 October 2019


Code Name: Bêrîtan

Name Surname: Fatma Mehemûd Hec Hisên

Father's Name: Mehmud

Mother's Name: Sebah

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Serêkaniyê / 11 October 2019