Education Committee adopts a full year work for good education in North-East Syria

With its vision of creating a competent and educated generation, the Education Committee spreads its training activities over a year.

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) Education Committee continues its efforts to provide the best education services in the region. It spreads the best education service throughout the year for a competent, knowledgeable, dynamic and collective generation. The literacy rate was quite low in Northern and Eastern Syria during the periods when educational materials prepared by the Syrian government were taught in schools. The education system of the Syrian government, which used an exam-based system, was also wearing the students psychologically.

With the Education Committee formed after the establishment of the AANES, the rate of literacy increased in the region and the interest of students in school started to increase. The committee, which pursues two paths in education, also considers the students’ relationships with their friends and teachers in measuring their achievement. Exams are conducted both in writing and orally. In this way, a discussion between students and teachers is secured.

Hani Al Elawî, who teaches at a school in Tirbespiyê, said: “First of all, we focus on eliminating the obstacles in front of students' success. Each student is carefully supervised by the teachers. If a student cannot improve himself and stagnates, we inform their family and do whatever it takes for the student to be successful."


The measures taken to contain the coronavirus outbreak in North and East Syria and the lockdowns have negatively affected educational activities. In order to prevent students from staying away from education due to prolonged bans in 2020, online education was started. The Education Committee, which conveyed the course videos to the students on the internet, continued its success in education.

Speaking about online education, 10th grade student Hizrîn Xelîl said, "I have followed my classes during the lockdown thanks to online education."

History teacher Heni Elawî said: “During the meetings with families, the Education Committee requested measures to be taken to facilitate the students to follow their lessons. Various scientific activities have been organized to increase the success of the students during the academic year.”

Fourth grade student Selwa Ednan stated that her family helped her in her lessons and that this situation also contributed to her success in school.

Lêvîn Lêfedîn Osman, who shows a successful profile in her lessons at school, emphasized that she repeated and reviewed the lessons she learned at school with her family.

11th grade student Sîdra Ehmed also said that the supervision of her family contributed to her success.