Ceremony for six martyrs in Dêrîk

Six fighters who fell martyr during the Honor Resistance were buried in Martyr Xebat Dêrîk martyrs graveyard accompanied by thousands of people.

Boyî Tabî (Tîrêz Rojhilat), Ebdellah El-Ewêd (Şiyar Zagros), Mihemed Korman (Dilgeş Dozhat), Mihened Al-Hasûd (Dilşêr Qamişlo) and Şivan Elîko (member of Domestic Security Forces) were accompanied in their last journey by thousands of people. Among them, representatives of the Autonomous Administration, political parties and religious scholars.

The crowd met at the Şehîd Hogir hospital in Dêrık to salute mother Eqîde Osman, one of the martyrs of the Turish attacks against a civilian convoy on Sunday. 

At the ceremony at Martyr Xebat Dêrîk martyrs graveyard, Interior Minister Kenan Berekat, spoke on behalf of the Cezire Canton Democratic Autonomous Administration. "Our martyrs wrote an epic of heroism in the Honor Resistance. They stood and stopped the new Ottomans in Serêkaniyê. They did not surrender their city to Erdogan. This heroic epic was possible thanks to the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria who supported this great resistance standing beside the forces of freedom."

Perwîn Yûsif, Kongreya Star executive, said: "Martyr Hevrîn Xelef [Syrian Future Party general Secretary] was a woman who fulfilled her duties. Eqîde is perhaps one of the main example of free woman."

Ibrahim Al-Hasûd on behalf of the families of martyrs said that Erdogan is reactivating ISIS and added: "We repeat the promise we made to our martyrs, the Honor Resistance will win."

Eqîde Osman's daughter, Roza Mistefa, said: "My mother always said that death was great for this holy land. She is also a martyr for this holy land. As her children, we promise to follow her example. We will raise our children with the thoughts of Leader Apo."

After the speeches, Eqîde mother's voice was played. She had been recorded shortly before falling martyr.