Autonomous Administration calls on international community to end silence

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria called on the international community to end its silence and take urgent action against the attacks by the Turkish state.

The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria strongly condemned the latest wave of attacks by the Turkish state against civilians and infrastructure, and respectfully commemorated the martyrs and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.

The Autonomous Administration emphasized that the aim of these attacks was to break the people's resistance by targeting children and civilians and to endanger the security of the region.

The Autonomous Administration, drawing attention to the fact that the attacks took place at a time when Turkish state officials were talking about an end to the war, said that "simultaneously targeting villages, cities and infrastructure reveals their hypocrisy and true intention to continue the policy of genocide."

The Autonomous Administration, calling on the people of the region to increase resistance against war crimes committed by the Turkish state, called on the international community to take a concrete stance against the Turkish attacks and to take urgent action.

The Autonomous Administration also called on the International Coalition and Russia to fulfill their duties and to end their current dual policy and silence.