Al Rashid Primary School reopens in Raqqa

Al Rashid Primary School, which was destroyed during the occupation of Raqqa by ISIS mercenaries, was reopened.

Al Rashid Primary School is known as the oldest school in Raqqa. This school, which was built in 1957 and where many important people were educated, was destroyed during ISIS's occupation of the city.

The Autonomous Administration renovated the school through the Raqqa Democratic Civilian Administration Education and Training Committee.

The opening of the school, on Monday, was attended by representatives such as Education and Training Committee co-chair Zelîxe Ebdi, Xelef El Matar and Raqqa Civil Council co-chair Ehmed El Xelîl, as well as members of the education center and teachers in Raqqa.

Co-chair Ehmed El Xelîl said: “We are celebrating the opening of this historical school. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who supported the renovation of the school."

Students of Al Rashid and Balqis schools presented their programs focusing on solidarity, commitment and love for education.