Yazidi House: We will get Yazidi children to Shengal Council

Cizire Region Yazidi House Council Member Mehmud Resho said they have received the 11 Yazidi children rescued from ISIS gangs and that the children will be taken to the Shengal Council.

SDF has rescued 11 Yazidi children along with the thousands of civilians held hostage by ISIS.

SDF General Command turned over the rescued children to the Cizire Region Yazidi House Council to be reunited with their families.

The rescued children are: Sifiyan Xelef Sileman, Mahir Xelil Ibrahim, Diler Eli Refo, Wesim Ismail Ibrahim, Iyad Hisen Shemo, Mustefa Ehmed, Mazin Selim, Xesman Semir, Dilvan Xelef, Secad Ebas and Sedam Hisen.

Cizire Region Yazidi House Council Member Mehmud Resho said: “The rescued children are with us now. We have offered treatment for those who needed medical attention and we have seen to their needs.”

Mehmud Resho said they are in contact with the Shengal Council to reunite the children with their families.

Rehso said the children are physically well, but have been affected psychologically by the violence by ISIS gangs.

Mehmud Resho thanked the SDF and said: “We are thankful that the SDF has rescued civilians, especially our children. Many civilians rescued to date were brought to us by the SDF. ISIS gangs still have many Yazidis captive. We thank the SDF once again for their efforts to rescue civilians.