Kurdish institutions: South Kurdistan government should stand up against Turkish occupation

Around 50 Kurdish parties and institutions protested the attacks of the Turkish occupation state against Garê and called on the South Kurdistan government to "take an open stance" against the occupation.

Around 50 Kurdish parties and institutions in Europe, including PUK, PYD, PJAK, KODAR, Goran and KCDK, emphasized that "it is our struggle that will wipe out the remnants of the Union and Progress from Kurdistan."

The target is not only the PKK

The statement added: "The attack of the fascist, colonialist and invading Turkish state against Garê is an attempt to re-occupy Kurdistan. The aim of this occupation is to eliminate all the gains of the Kurdish people. The PKK guerrilla is not the only target here. The main purpose is to slaughter all Kurds, as well as their gains in South Kurdistan, and to neutralize them.”

The statement continued: “There is a need for an answer to the HPG’s claims that the Turkish army’s attack was launched from South Kurdistan and not Turkey. Unable to give a satisfactory answer to the HPG's allegations, the PDK officials accused the PKK. It almost regarded the attacks of the Turkish state as legitimate and linked it to the existence of the PKK. This shows us the accuracy of HPG claims. This attitude of the PDK deeply upset us. In our opinion, the PDK should abandon this attitude as soon as possible and take a clear stance towards the Turkish state.”

"National unity against occupation"

The statement added: “All Kurdish parties, especially the PDK, must oppose this attack and occupation by ensuring national unity as soon as possible. Our people's interest passes through this. In this very process, our people of the North, Rojhilat, Rojava and the South must spread the resistance and claim national unity against the occupation. Our call to the South Kurdish government is to take a clear stance against this occupation and stand by the people.


Those who raise their voices against the occupation and take to the streets should be supported. The government should immediately release the youth, journalists and women arrested during the recent protests.

Initiatives should be launched immediately for the United Nations to be sensitive to this issue.”

The following Kurdistan parties and institutions in Europe signed the declaration:

PUK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)

Tevgêra GORAN

KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)

TJK-E (Tevgêra Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)

Partiya ŞÛÎ Kurdistan Basur

Partiya Zahmetkêşan - Başûr

PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Demokrasiya Êzîdiya)

Tevgêrê Azadî

PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat)

P.D.K.S (Partiya demoqtat a kurdi ya sûrî)

Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûrî

Tevgera Nûjen ya Kurdistanî-Sûrya

PÇDKS (Partiya çep a Demoqrat a Kurd li Sûriyê)

Partiya Demokrata Kurd li Sûriya (El Partii)

Partiya Çep a Democrat li Sûriya

Partiya Rêkeftin a Kurd li Sûrya

Partiya Çaksaziya Kurd li Sûriya

Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanî li Sûriya

Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanî li Sûrya

Partiya Komanist a Kurdistanî li Sûriya

PÎK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)

KKP (Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)

Tevgera Kawa

PJAK (Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)

Yakyatî Şorşgêrî Kurdistan

KODAR (Civaka Demokratîk û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)

KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelatî Kurdistan)

Horam Platform

Zagros Platform

Yarsan Platform

Yari Kurd

Tevçand (Tevgera Çand û Hunera Kurd)

Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V

FEDA (Federessiona Elewîyên Kurdistan)

NAV - YEK (Komelên Êzidiya to the Federation)

Kurdische Zentrum Berlin

CIK (Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)

Institute Kurdî - Germany

Institute Kurdî - Bruksel

MŞD (Meclissa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)

YMK (Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)

YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)

Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg - Berlîn

Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte

DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V Dresden

Mesopotamia People's Congress.

Mesopotamian Freedom Party.

Kurdistan human rights Association