Village guards who resigned denounce threats

The village guards who resigned because they refused to be part of the occupation attacks in Zap, Avaşîn and Metina regions were threatened. 17 July had been set as the date on which the village guards would be deployed.

While the Turkish state's invasion attacks against the Zap, Avaşin and Metina areas have been continuing since April 2022, new comprehensive attacks have started. The Turkish state, which established checkpoints in the region and continued its military shipments, sent a notification to the village guards in Şirnak, Hakkari, Siirt, Batman, Amed, Bingöl and Mardin to participate in the operation. Many village guards began to resign, stating that they did not want to join the operations.

Threats issued

It was learned that the village guards were threatened and sent notifications. In addition, they were called to police stations and also threatened there. Some village guards were also subjected to violence.

17 July set as date for deployment

The village guards are going to be deployed to the operation area in groups of 45 people on 17 July. It was stated that the village guards who were called to duty resigned and did not want to participate in the operation. It has been learned that more than 20 village guards have resigned so far.

The village guards said that they laid down their weapons and called on other village guards to do the same. The village guards underlined that they would not fight under any circumstances.