Turkish use of chemical weapons protested in Germany

The occupation attacks carried out by the Turkish state against Northern and Eastern Syria were protested in many cities of Germany.

Once again the invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria carried out by Turkey was condemned on the streets of many German cities.


Hundreds of people gathered at the Syn Alte Synagoge square in Freiburg to protest the invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria and the use of banned chemical weapons by Turkey.

Meanwhile, a press conference was held at the Freiburg DKTM headquarters to draw attention to the attacks of the Turkish state. 


To protest the invasion of Rojava, the Kurds and their friends living in Giessen organized a protest rally led by the Democratic Kurdish Community Center.

The crowd gathered in Berliner Platz condemned the attacks carried out by the Turkish state.


A rally was held in Hildesheim once it was disclosed that the Turkish state used banned weapons such as phosphorus in the invasion and genocide attacks against Serêkaniyê.

A crowd of people gathered in front of the central station to protest.


Activists in Düsseldorf gathered in front of the US Consulate General to protest the invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria and the decision of the US to withdraw its troops. 


The KCDK-E urgently organised a protest at Bahnhofvorplatz in Cologne to condemned the Turkish use of chemical weapons against civilians in Serekaniye.

There were some moments of tension when a group of Turkish nationalists provoked the activists.