The story of guerrilla Çayan Koçgiri

Guerrilla Çayan Koçgiri joined the guerrilla while doing his compulsory military service. For 7 years he fought from Gever to Amed, from there to Avashin, to Shengal. He fell a martyr in Botan in 2020.

Çayan Koçgiri was the child of a family from Sivas. He was born and raised in Istanbul. He joined the guerrilla while doing compulsory military service in Gever in 2013. He fell as a martyr in 2020 in the Botan mountains, where he was fighting after fighting in Amed, Avashin, Shengal and İdil.

He was determined in supporting the struggle of a people other than his own.

Veli Can Hunulu (Çayan Koçgiri) was from Sivas. He was born and raised in Istanbul. He came to Hakkari's Yüksekova (Gever) district in 2013 for compulsory military service. The place most feared by the invaders. Yet, it was a place that was tied to the traditions and culture of Kurdistan. Veli Can Hunulu saw what the Turkish state did to the youth, women, nature and people of Kurdistan here. He could not accept it and came face to face with his conscience.

In his diary, Veli Can Hunulu describes a day that shook him deeply and encouraged him as follows: “The date is 9 January 2013. When I turn on the TV, there was a news. A photo on the back. ‘3 women were killed in Paris. Sakine Cansiz, Leyla Şaylemez and Fidan Doğan’ ... It was like pouring boiling water on my head. What happened to me? My heart rate fastened. I hit my chest with anger. I was tense, my heart was squeezing. I do not know Sakine Cansiz, I have neither heard nor seen her name before. Why am I so impressed and angry? Kurds are protesting in France. Physically, I am in Gever in the Turkish army, but I am there with that people, albeit a little. Crazy, weird. That picture looks at me and calls out to me; What are you doing there, Veli, she was saying. Her look penetrates me, what a revolutionary this is. Be valiant Veli, walk out, because there are guerrillas in those hills."

Veli joined guerrilla. He is sent to Amed. There he meets Çiyager Hêvî. Now his name is not Veli, but Çayan; Çayan Koçgiri. He described the first moment they encountered as follows: “I met Heval Çiyager in the mountains of Amed. The first time I took an oath to my guerrilla he came to me. He said: We are valuable, everyone here is valuable, but you are more valuable than all of us. You swear to change the destiny of a people you are not a member of. You will be the militant of the Movement that will liberate Kurdistan. This is very meaningful. Although this would sometimes be difficult for you, it will make a lot of sense.”

The journey had begun for Guerrilla Çayan Koçgiri. He remembered the words of Commander Çiyager from Amed and set off.

Guerrilla Çayan has never closed his eyes to injustice and cruelty. He saw Shengal's cry in 2014. He was revealing his heart while describing his first entry in Shengal and war there. He writes in his diary: “These were the first days yet. The most difficult days. Our battalion has friends from everywhere. Soran, Kurmanci, Persian, American, MLCP, Iraqi, Southern Kurdish, Rojava. Nobody knows anybody's languages ​​and they don't understand each other. We look at each other's gestures, we try to understand each other. For days, my shoes are stuck to my feet, the mercenaries are attacking intensely. We have to protect the Yazidi people. Heval Çiyager's sentences are in my head. I'm a different person. They are a different people. However, there is no limit to the partnerships that bring us side by side. We are all Yazidis today, maybe tomorrow we will be another people. Where cruelty is, we will sprout again."

Guerrilla Çayan did not stop despite all difficulties, he was going ahead without stopping. After Shengal, he was on his way to Idil district of Sirnak. Under great commander Çeko Çatak. he was running towards Hezex's cry and fought there. Guerrilla Çayan did not stop, it was difficult to stop and breathe. Neither he nor his pen stopped. He took part in the operation initiated by the youth of Kurdistan to protect and defend the future, existence of a people.

Every end was a beginning, every beginning determined an outcome. After the İdil resistance, he turned to the mountains and went to Botan mountains. Guerilla Çayan leaves a story from the very inside of life; a story of devotion.

During the attack of the Turkish forces in the Botan area in April 2020, Çayan Koçgiri fell a martyr with his companion Mervan Kerküki.