The Kolla indigenous people stops open-pit exploitation
After an intense mobilization, 25 communities of the indigenous Kolla people in Argentina managed to stop the two open-pit lithium mines located in their territory.
After an intense mobilization, 25 communities of the indigenous Kolla people in Argentina managed to stop the two open-pit lithium mines located in their territory.
Under the slogans "Lithium today, hunger tomorrow" and "Water is worth more than lithium" the Kolla people living around the lagoon of Guayatayoc and the Salinas Grandes basin decided in an open Assembly to begin a series of actions to stop the mine.
They called on the Governor of the northern Argentine State of Jujuy to cancel the concession, and notify the mining companies Ekekos SA and Ais Resourse Limited that they have to abandon their activities.
The initial claims were answered by sending police reinforcements to the area, and the implementation of another shift to extend the extractive work to 24 hours a day.
The communities decided therefore to mobilize and organise several road blocks to inform the tourists that cross their territory to reach the natural park located in their vicinity.
Finally the people occupied the two mines and got the workers to abandon them and the machinery.
The mines near the lagoon of Guayatayoc, considered by the Kolla people as sacred land, have been gradually contaminating the waters of the lake altering the flora and fauna as well as the delicate ecological balance of the area, rich in fresh water.
The Kolla Assembly expressed in a statement issued after the success of their actions, that they would not accept any previous and informed consultation, which only has the function of trying to gain time and convince the traditional leaders.
In the same statement they also said: "We definitively decided not to allow the exploration and extraction of lithium in our territory.”