South Americans express solidarity with the HDP and Kobani Resistance

Activists and organisations in South America conveyed messages of solidarity to HDP and Kobani resistance in response to the Kobani trial in which 108 leading politicians of the HDP stand trial.

Messages of solidarity with the HDP have been conveyed from South America in response to the "Kobani trial" of the Erdogan regime against the leading politicians of the People's Democratic Party (HDP). The defendants are 108 figures from politics, civil society and the Kurdish liberation movement who are accused of terror crimes and murder in dozens of cases in connection with the protests during the ISIS attack on Kobanê in October 2014.

The first day of the hearing in Ankara on April 26 was accompanied by fierce protests by the defendants and the defense. For former HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş alone, the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office is demanding up to 15,000 utopian years in prison. 28 of the defendants are imprisoned.

Internationally, the Erdogan’s regime has been criticized a lot. At the same time, there was strong international solidarity with the HDP and Kobani resistance from parties, parliamentarians and representatives of various organizations which was published on social media including Twitter under the hashtags; #SolidarityWithHDP and #DefendKobani.

HDP said, “This solidarity is very important since the process politically prescribed by Erdogan’s regime. Therefore, it must continue to be supported politically and internationally. In this sense, we will continue to follow and inform the next steps. What is more, the support and solidarity are crucial.”

Latest messages of solidarity came from South America where dozens of activists and organisations in Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina announced their solidarity for HDP and Kobani resistance.

Politicians conveying messages of solidarity in Colombia include the President of Organization of National Indigenous People in Colombia (Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia - ONIC) Armando Wouriyu, Itoco Association of Unions (Asociación red Itoco) and president of Social Movement of Alternative indigenous (Movimiento Alternativo Indígena y Social - MAİS) Marta Peralta.

The politicians demonstrated their solidarity by displaying photographs of Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş, Gültan Kışanak, Ayla Akat, Sebahat Tuncel in addition to banners of #SolidarityWithHDP and #DefendKobani

Likewise, in Ecuador, representatives of Popular Feminist Organisation (Organización feminista popular), representatives of Fighting from the Edge (Desde el Margen Luchar), Kurdistan Solidarity Committee-Ecuador (Comité de solidaridad con Kurdistán- Ecuador) and Guevarist Youth Movement-Argentina administrators Josefa Vergara, Mario Gevariatus and Ari Adnai conveyed messages of solidarity.

Activists and representatives of the mentioned organisations declared that they stand with the HDP, support the Kobani resistance and they will maintain their solidarity for HDP and Kurdish people and pursue the judgement.