SADAT is running wild in Van

SADAT, also known as AKP's JITEM, operates in Van under the guise of various non-governmental organizations. SADAT, which has had the Governors impose a six-year ban on protests and activities in Van, is funded by İŞGEM, which is associated with the AKP.

The operations carried out by SADAT, which was created by 23 retired officers and non-commissioned officers from various units of the Turkish army and are led by retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, are still on the agenda.

SADAT is best known for its assistance to mercenary groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda against Kurds in Rojava, but has recently begun to expand its operations in Turkey as well. This illegal non-paramilitary organization structure, funded by the presidential budget, killed thousands of people in Sur, Cizre, and Nusaybin by deploying the Chechen mercenary herd of ISIS in order to repress the legitimate battle of Kurds in self-government announcements in Kurdish districts.

Van Thought Platform is another name for SADAT

It works with the front NGO "Van Thought Platform" in Van, where the Governor's Office has issued an action and activity ban for 1,900 days. Aside from that, Van Women's Kardelen Association is one of the organizations that carries out SADAT's activities.

The government-affiliated Business and Development Center, İŞGEM, is the largest financier of SADAT in Van.


SADAT is known in Van as the "Van Civil Solidarity Initiative." TÜRGEV provides all of the funding for this structure, which is made up of 54 associations. The Chairman of the Van Civil Solidarity Initiative, Mehmet Emin Akan, and other members routinely visit the Governors to discuss what has to be done and give warnings.

Head of SADAT is AKP Provincial Executive

Sinan Başak, the Provincial Administrator of AKP Van, is the person who organized all of SADAT's activities in Van. Başak, the AKP's Provincial Vice President of Publicity and Media, is also the Vice President of the Van Thought Platform. Başak also belongs to the Anadolu Education Foundation.

It has been shown that the six-year ban on protests and activities in Van was imposed under the auspices of SADAT. This organization, which has complete control over the governors and trustees, wants the ban to remain in place. In this way, SADAT, which prohibits political parties and non-governmental organizations from working on the streets, provides the framework for the structures linked with it to work on the streets.

They cancel the festivals they don’t want

This structure also interferes with the recent concerts and festivals scheduled in Van. SADAT also stopped Van's first youth festival last September.

It is worth noting that this group creates positive relationships with the Governors in Van.