OSCE member: There are 2,5 million dubious votes

OSCE member Alev Korun pointed out that there were around 2,5 million dubious votes in Turkey's referendum.

Alev Korun, a member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) pointed out that there were around 2,5 million dubious votes in Turkey's dubious referendum.

Commenting on the use of unstamped ballots, Korun said: “There is suspicion that around 2,5 million votes might have been manipulated in consideration of the fact that laws allow the acceptance of only official ballots and envelopes. However, the Supreme Election Board has accepted the envelopes without official stamps in defiance of the law.”

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe which had observers in Turkey during Sunday's referendum announced in a detailed report yesterday that lack of equal opportunities, one-sided media coverage and limitations on fundamental freedoms created unlevel playing field in Turkey’s constitutional referendum.

“In general, the referendum did not live up to Council of Europe standards. The legal framework was inadequate for the holding of a genuinely democratic process”, said the international observers.