Mıhçı: Racist attacks are the consequences of war policies

Pointing out that racist attacks against refugees stem from the consequences of the approval of the war, DEM Party member Murad Mıhçı said that dialogue between peoples can only be established through peaceful policies.

Dozens of workplaces and vehicles belonging to Syrian refugees were burned and looted in the attacks that started after the spread of allegations that a Syrian man raped a child in the province of Kayseri on 30 June. At the same time, there were protests against Erdoğan's statement that he would get closer to Assad in regions such as Afrin and Girê Spî, which were occupied by the Turkish state and controlled by ISIS, Al Nusra and similar mercenaries. Erdoğan's mercenaries burned Turkish flags and clashes broke out there, too. Turkish racists, who saw an opportunity to burn the Turkish flag, carried out attacks similar to those in Kayseri in many places.

Emergency meeting call from DEM Party

Dilan Kunt Ayan, Urfa (Riha) MP for the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and member of the Immigration and Integration Sub-Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Human Rights Investigation Commission, called the relevant commission to discuss the steps to be taken to prevent further attacks and ensure the security of Syrian refugees, especially their right to life. Dilan Kunt Ayan called for an urgent meeting, and said: "Although it is known that more than 3 million Syrians in the country will not go back to their country or other countries, this hatred has been fed and grown in public opinion by politicians, especially during the election processes, through politics over refugees. At the point reached today, all decision-making actors and the state, especially the Human Rights Investigation Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, have a responsibility to end the racist burning, destruction and attacks and to call the public to moderation."

War policies are the source of the problem

Speaking to ANF, DEM Party Immigrant and Refugees Commission co-spokesperson Murad Mıhçı stated that the issue had its roots in war policies in the first place and added: "These attacks are the result of the approval of war policies. In parliament, all deputies, except those of the then HDP, voted to accept those war policies. At that time, as HDP, we explained why we said no. Because no progress can be achieved through war policies. Ultimately, a wave of migration occurred due to imperial attacks in that region. On the other hand, today the bridges between those people have been broken due to Turkey's immigration policies and its view on refugees."

We strongly defend peace

Mıhçı underlined that they will continue to defend peace even though they are made a target by certain groups after every statement they make. "As a party, we are coming together with democratic institutions in the country to discuss the racist attacks and urgently decide what we can do. Our MP Dilan Kunt Ayan presented a proposal to the parliament. We are trying to create a working environment to try and defuse tensions. We made various statements. We were targeted by certain groups in every statement we made, in every speech we made. But we stubbornly defend that dialogue between all peoples in the world can only be achieved through peaceful policies, and that is why we defend peace."