Letter written by a prisoner to Öcalan sent to Imralı after some sentences were crossed out

A letter written to Abdullah Öcalan by a prisoner was accepted to be sent to Imralı, on the condition of crossing out some sentences.

The letter written by political prisoner Selami Çiftçi, held in Urfa No. 1 T Type Prison, to Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held under heavy isolation conditions in İmralı F Type High Security Prison and has not been heard from for 34 months, was seized.

The Prison Letter Reading Commission decided to seize the letter and not send it to Imrali, claiming that it was "objectionable".

Prisoner Çiftçi then appealed to the Urfa Execution Judge, who evaluated the request and decided to accept the objection, thus cancelling the decision taken by the Administration and Observation Board. The judge ruled to cross out the objectionable parts and send the letter to the specified address, i.e. to Imrali.

A campaign has been launched internationally to send postcards to Öcalan in Imrali. Thousands of people have started sending postcards from different European countries.