Kurds meet to discuss how to act against coronavirus

People and all political parties were urged to protest the embargo and to submitt aid projects through Heyva Sor Kurdistan especially taking into account the experience of Maxmur, Shengal and Shehba camps.

Representatives of the Kurdish parties and components from the four parts of Kurdistan, held a conference on Skype called 'National Unity' to address the coronavirus emergency.

The conference condemned the embargo in Maxmur and asked for it to be immediately lifted. 

People and all political parties were urged to protest the embargo and to submitt aid projects through Heyva Sor Kurdistan especially taking into account the experience of Maxmur, Shengal and Shehba camps.

The conference issued a statement in which it underlined that the invading forces were trying to turn the coronavirus crisis into an opportunity to further repress Kurds. Likewise, the statement drew attention to the new appointment of trustees and the threat facing prisons.

The statement said: "In such a time, what falls on the Kurds is to keep the people's interests and health above all else by strengthening the national unity spirit."

The conference issued the following call to the people of Kurdistan: "We must stay at home as a measure to avoid coronavirus from spreading. We must act with the awareness that we are not only responsible for ourselves, but also for people around us. We should act responsibly, without underestimating the risk and taking into account the health of ourselves and our environment. Also, we should take care of all segments of our society through phone and practical help so that nobody is left unattended."


The conference took the following decisions: "To hold a monthly National Unity meeting via computer.

Joint work should be carried out within the framework of national unity to protect the health of the people of Kurdistan against the coronavirus.

A letter will be prepared jointly to protest the embargo on Maxmur Camp and sent via e-mail, telephone and other digital ways to the Federal Government, the President of the Federal Government Neçirwan Barzani, KDP President Mr. Mesut Barzani and the President of Parliament.

Similarly, a joint letter should be prepared and sent to the UN and international institutions.

Carrying out the Twin Family Campaign through Heyva Sor a Kurdistan in all Kurdistan, especially Maxmur, Shengal, Shehba and Lavrio camps.

A social media campaign will be carried out on the issue of prisons in Turkey, Northern Kurdistan, and Rojhilat, Iran on 5 and 6 April."


The parties and institutions that participated at the conference were the following:

"YNK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)

Tevgêra GORRAN

KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)

TJK-E (Tevgêra Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)

Partiya ŞÛÎ Kurdistan Başur

Partiya Zahmetkêşan - Başûr

PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Democracy Êzîdiya)

Tevgêrê Azadî

PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat)

P.D.K.S (Partiya demoqtat a kurri ya sûrî)

Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûrî.

Tevgera nûjen ya kurdistanî-sûrya.

The librarian (el party), who founded the democracy in the party.

Li sûriya, who founded the party, democrat, peshver.

Party to a democrat li sriya.

PYDKS - Partiya Yekiti ya demoqrat a kurd li sûriyê.

Kurya li sûrya who founded the party rêkeftin.

Partiya Çaksaziya founded li sûriya.

Partiya kesk to Kurdistanî sriya.

Kurdistani from Syria to Democrat Party.

Partiya coomanist to Kurdistanî sriya.

PIK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)

KKP (Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)

Tevgêrê Kawa

PJAK (Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)

Yakyatî şorşgêrî kurdistan

KODAR (Civaka Democrat û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)

KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelatî Kurdistan)

Horam to Platform

Plattform Zagros

Plattform Yarsan

Yarî Kurd

Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V

FEDA (Federiyeta Elewîyên Kurdistan)

NAV - YEK (Komelên Êzidiya to the Federation)

Kurdische Zentrum Berlin

CIK (Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)

Kurdî Institute - Germany

Kurdî Institute - Brussels

MŞD (Meclîsa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)

YMK (Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)

YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)

Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg - Berlin

Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte

DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V Dresden

Mesopotamia People's Congress.

Mesopotamian Freedom Party.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association. "