Kurds in Europe will protest Treaty of Lausanne on its 101st anniversary

Kurdish people in Europe will protest the Treaty of Lausanne on its 101st anniversary. The Action Organization Committee drew attention to the Turkish attacks and called for a march and rally on 27 July.

As the 101st anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne approaches, Kurds living in Switzerland are preparing to protest the agreement.

The treaty was signed on 24 July 1924, and divided Kurdistan into four parts.

36 political organizations, including PUK, Goran Movement, Rojava Autonomous Administration, KCDK-E, TJK-E, FEDA, KKP, PJAK, PYD, ESU, PIK, NAV-DEM, Swiss Kurdish Institute, made a joint call to attend the rally to protest the Treaty of Lausanne. The rally will be held in Lausanne on Saturday, 27 July, at 1pm.

The Turkish state targets all the achievements of the Kurds

The Organizing Committee made a statement to the press after the last preparatory meeting at the Lausanne Democratic Kurdish Community Center. The statement said that the main reason for the massacres in Kurdistan was the Treaty of Lausanne, and that the Turkish state was still trying to destroy all the achievements of the Kurds.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Swiss Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-S) co-chairs Cemal Özdemir and Dilan Çetinkaya called on all people to attend the rally.

Dilan Çetinkaya said that they will never accept the occupation attacks carried out by the Turkish state in South Kurdistan and that the Kurds should unite against this occupation on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of Lausanne.

Dilan Çetinkaya said: “We call on all political structures in the four parts of Kurdistan to take a stance against the Turkish occupation attempts in South Kurdistan. We invite all these political structures to join the Lausanne rally to stand against this occupation. We decided to hold marches and rallies in partnership with 36 political parties and institutions. We call on all Kurds to be united in Lausanne, where we were divided 101 years ago."

Cemal Özdemir said: "We call on all our people and friends living in Switzerland to protest this treaty, which has had no benefit for our people other than massacres, tears and oppression since the date it was signed."

The march in Lausanne will start at Place des Pionnieres at 1pm on Saturday. A rally will also be held in the area in front of Chateau D'ouchy, which is located on the shores of Lake Leman and where the celebration was held after the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne.