Kurdish organizations in Europe protest appointment of trustee in Hakkari

Kurdish organizations in Europe protested the usurpation of will in Hakkari with actions held in Cologne and Winterthur.

All components of the Congress of European Kurdistan Democratic Societies (KCDK-E) and the Confederation of Kurdistan Communities in Germany (KON-MED) protested the usurpation of the Hakkari (Colemêrg) Municipality won by the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) at the local elections celebrated on 31 March. Following the DEM Party’s statement calling on all democratic forces to act, protests were held in Cologne, Germany, and Winterthur, Switzerland.


The crowd gathered at Bahnhofvorplatz to attend the action promoted by the Cologne Democratic Kurdish Community Center (DKTM) and protested the appointment of a trustee to Hakkari Municipality by AKP-MHP fascism.

Speaking on behalf of the Die Linke Cologne administration, Vedat Akter said that they condemned the detention of co-mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış and the appointment of a trustee to the municipality.

On behalf of Cologne DKTM, Sidar Ayhan said that they will not accept trustee policies and will be in constant solidarity with DEM Party municipalities.


The AKP-MHP fascism, which usurped the will of the people in Hakkari, was protested with an action held in Winterthur, Switzerland. Speaking on behalf of the Kurds who came together at Bahnhofplatz to attend the action promoted by the Winterthur Democratic Kurdish Community Center (CDK), KCDK-E co-presidency council member Musa Farısoğulları said that although the AKP-MHP fascism used all the state's resources to bring voters to many cities in the 31 March elections, the will of the Kurdish people won.

Stating that the fascist regime was defeated once again in the repeated elections in Hilvan (Curnê Reş) on Sunday, Farısoğulları pointed out that the usurpation of will was put into effect as a means of revenge.

Reminding that the usurpation of the will of the people of Van was repelled by resistance, Farısoğulları said: "This time, the will of the people of Hakkari is wanted to be taken over. As Kurds living in Europe, we will continue to be in the areas against this usurpation of the will."

Action today in many cities of Switzerland

Kurds living in Switzerland will take to the streets in many cities today, Tuesday, to defend the will of the people of Hakkari.

The Swiss Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-S) and the Swiss Kurdish Women's Union (YJK-S) will organize actions in the following cities:


Time: 14.00

In front of the Turkish Consulate

Weinbergstrasse 65, 8006 Zürich


Time: 18.00

church front

Rue Saint-Laurent, 1003 Lausanne


Time: 18.00

in front of the big post office

Rue du Mont-Blanc 18, 1201 Genève