Call for participation in actions against the PKK ban in Germany

KON-MED called for participation in the actions to be held on Saturday to call for an end to the ban of the PKK in Germany, which is now 27 years long.

The Confederation of Kurdistan Communities in Germany (KON-MED) issued a written statement on the ban of the PKK in Germany, which will mark its 27th anniversary on 26 November.

The statement pointed out that with the ban of the PKK, the most fundamental right of Kurdish people living in Europe is being violated.

KON-MED pointed out that this ongoing ban keeps Kurds under pressure and added:

“The PKK is a freedom movement supported by tens of millions of Kurdish people, who believe that the brave women and children of the Kurdish people are struggling for a free life, sacrificing their lives against the brutal ISIS and Turkish mercenaries.”

The statement added: “The ban of the PKK is violating the most fundamental right of the Kurdish people living in Europe.

The fact that such a movement is still banned in Germany and Europe is above all a great contradiction for western societies. The ban of the PKK is above all a German democracy problem. Therefore, we must fight together to lift this ban. With this policy of prohibition and criminalization going on for 27 years, the over one million Kurds living in Germany have suffered a great deal while at the same time the ban is actually also damaging German democracy. Investment policies and geostrategic interests are made with Turkey sacrificing the rights of Kurds.”

The statement underlined that the PKK ban in Germany represents an obstacle to peace and a democratic solution in Turkey and Kurdistan.

The statement said: “With its struggle against ISIS, the PKK has shown that it is the guarantee of the Assyrian-Syriac, Armenian, Turkmen, Chaldean, Arab and all other peoples to live in equality and freedom. It is unacceptable that the PKK, which is the guarantee of the people in the Middle East, is banned in Germany. This ban should be removed as soon as possible.”

The statement ended with the following remarks: “KON-MED calls on all members, especially all Democratic Kurdish Community Centers in Germany, as well as German, Kurdish and other democratic immigrant organizations to join the actions to be held to protest the ban of the PKK. In particular, we call everyone to join the events to be held on Saturday 21 November."