French minister: We crossed an unacceptable threshold with Turkey

Asked about the state of French-Turkish relations, the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs described the behavior of the Turkish president as "threats" and indicated that sanctions could be taken at the European level.

A milestone has been reached in relations between France and Turkey. This is the observation made by the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian, this Wednesday, during the question session with the government. Jean-Yves Le Drian was firm while responding to a question asked by Socialist Senator Rémi Feraud, questioning the minister on the actions that the government intended to implement to "act resolutely against the influence of the Turkish regime on the national territory".

The minister said: "We have a long list of serious disagreements with Ankara. But these last weeks, we have crossed an unacceptable threshold between two allied countries. Insults, slanders, the desire to establish a campaign of hatred towards France and Europe, are of a totally different nature. They are threats. We therefore expect the Turkish president to put an immediate end to this behavior. Nor will we tolerate that this hatred and this violence be exported to French territory by being relayed by small groups that must not be allowed to have the right of citizenship.”

Jean-Yves Le Drian also stated that the conflict between France and Turkey goes beyond the borders of these two countries. "This is not only a French-Turkish dispute but an attack against Europe and its values," said the minister, recalling the meeting set by the European Council in October. "If Turkey does not change its position before December, then we will take the necessary measures at the European level. All options are on the table," concluded Jean-Yves Le Drian.