Bayındır: The first step must be the recognition of Kurdish rights

DBP co-chair Keskin Bayındır said that the priority is not the disarmament of the PKK but the state's abandonment of its denial policy and the recognition of Kurdish rights.

The Mardin (Mêrdîn) Provincial Organization of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) held its 7th Ordinary Congress.

The congress, held in a wedding hall, was attended by DBP co-chair Keskin Bayındır.

Before the congress began, hundreds of attendees gathered and danced halay to the rhythm of music.

After the election of the council board, a moment of silence was observed. Following this, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MP Kamuran Tanhan and Devrim Demir, the Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor who had been replaced by a government-appointed trustee, delivered speeches.

DBP co-chair Keskin Bayındır commemorated the victims of the Halabja Massacre and criticized the ongoing lack of international recognition, and stated: “Even after 37 years, this massacre has still not been acknowledged as a crime against humanity.”

Bayındır continued: “This means one thing: no matter how many Kurds are killed, international powers and ruling forces have turned a blind eye to the massacre of Kurds, just as they did a hundred years ago and as they continue to do today. However, today, the Kurdish people—through their organization, resistance, and their Leader, Mr. Öcalan—are leading the way in shaping the Middle East's future and guiding humanity.”

Bayındır also condemned the massacres of Alawites in Syria and said: “This is why we say that the guarantee for Syria’s future is the Kurdish people. It is the Rojava model. The Rojava model should be adopted in Syria and across the Middle East.”

Bayındır recalled Mr. Öcalan's historic call on February 27 and stated: “He presented an alternative path of struggle for the Kurdish people, the Middle East, and the world. Today, war cries echo everywhere. Death and destruction are rampant. The world's powers, states, and forces offer no alternative to the people other than deepening massacres, suffering, and devastation. But in his historic statement, Mr. Öcalan points to the remedy for the Middle East, showing the path to a solution through a democratic society.”

Emphasizing that the state must immediately end its policy of denial in response to this call, Bayındır continued: “For the freedom of the Kurdish people, for the struggle within democratic politics, and for an honorable peace, the prison doors holding thousands of our comrades must be opened. For us, this is the greatest and most significant step to be taken. However, the Turkish state conditions this step on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) laying down its arms. But for the Kurds, the first and foremost step is not PKK’s disarmament—it is the state abandoning its system of denial and recognizing the rights of the Kurdish people.”

After the speeches, the activity and financial reports were read, followed by the elections, which were conducted with a single list. Nühroj Türk and Abdulselam Turan were elected as the co-chairs of the DBP Mardin Provincial Organization.