Activists in Zurich pay tribute to HPG Command Council member Sinan Dersim

HPG Command Council member Sinan Dersim (Dalokay Şanlı) fell a martyr during an air strike carried out by the invading Turkish army on Medya Defense Areas on 27 October 2020. He was commemorated in Zurich.

Many revolutionary institutions and Kurdish activists attended the memorial organized by the Swiss Committee of the United Revolutionary Struggle of Peoples (HBDH) for HPG Command Council member Sinan Dersim (Dalokay Şanlı) fell a martyr during an air strike carried out by the invading Turkish army on Medya Defense Areas on 27 October 2020 while fighting in the ranks of the HBDH.

The memorial began with a minute of silence in the person of Sinan Dersim. The HBDH Swiss Committee representative said: "Our comrade Sinan Dersim, who is a cornerstone in the struggle of the peoples, has fallen as a martyr for this cause by strictly adhering to the necessity of revolutionary practice both in Europe and in the fields of freedom."

CDK-S co-chair Ali Şimşek said: "We will continue the tradition of resistance left by our comrade Sinan Dersim, who fell a martyr while fighting for a free life in the free lands that all the peoples of Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East longed for and where the HBDH is fighting. We will crown the struggle with victory by raising our resistance wherever we find ourselves, following the example of Sinan Dersim and his comrades.”

Peace Mother, Döndü Ana, said: "We will continue to shout out our demand for peace wherever we are."

The memorial ended with the screening of a video on Sinan Dersim’s life.