Village guards to participate in invasion attack selected

The Turkish state has determined the village guards who will participate in the new invasion attack from Hakkari. ANF got access to the list of names.

The AKP-MHP government continues its diplomatic and military efforts for the new Garê-centered invasion attack against Medya Defense Areas, and is also strengthening its forces in the region. In this context, ANF learned that the guards who would participate in the new invasion attack were also determined.

The Turkish state, which has previously entered into intensive contacts with the Iraqi central government and the KDP, continues to seek both military and political support for its new attacks. Forces continue to be sent to the guerrilla areas under various names, while KDP forces were previously positioned in these areas on behalf of the Iraqi Border Guard Units. It is stated that KDP's Zerevani and Gulan forces, sent to the region under the name of Iraqi Border Guard Units, went to Sîda as well as Şêladize and will build 15 police stations there.

Hundreds of guards prepared

The Turkish state is also planning to use village guards against the Kurdish Freedom Movement. In this context, it was learned that there were hundreds of village guards from the Yüksekova (Gever), in the province of Hakkari (Colemêrg) preparing to participate in the invasion attack.

ANF got access to the "list of security guards assigned to the Central District Gendarmerie Command for cross-border duty". The list includes the names and surnames of the guards assigned to the 34th Border Brigade Command and the 51st Commando Brigade Command, where they are from, their mobile phone numbers, their blood types, their TR ID numbers and their duties.