Shengal Constituent Assembly: Our people demand to govern themselves

Shengal Constituent Assembly said preparations are underway for the autonomy of Shengal, urging that the legitimate demands of the Êzidî people must be recognized.

Shengal Constituent Assembly has released a statement to mark the second anniversary of their establishment.

The full text of the statement, translated by ANF English service, is as follows:

"Today is the second anniversary of the establishment of our Assembly that the Êzidî people on Mount Shengal built through sacred resistance.

Our Êzidî people were subjected to a firman (an ordinance or decree issued by the sovereign) and massacre, huge repression and atrocity.

The forces deployed in Shengal, who were talking about stability and peace in Shengal and protection of the Êzidî people, gave no response and mounted no single resistance even to the enemy when savage gangs launched an aggression and the war came to our door.

And consequently, hundreds of thousands of civilians and families were faced with the enemy, thousands of mothers and children ended in captivity and massacre at the hands of ISIS gangs.

Because of the loss of hope and confidence among Shengal people in these mentioned forces, emergence of an administrative vacuum and lack of people to lead Shengalis, Êzidî people decided to establish an assembly to represent and lead the Êzidîs.

Members of this assembly were elected democratically, which was followed by the establishment of our military forces YBŞ and YJŞ [Shengal - Women's Resistance Units], the fighters of which got themselves written in the pages of history with golden letters with their sacred resistance and relentless struggle. Hundreds of gang members that perpetrated a genocide against our people were murdered by these young brave girls and boys of Êzidxan.

Works and preparations continue for the autonomy of Shengal, a demand of all our people who now want to govern themselves and to be autonomous. The Article 125 of the Iraqi Constitution grants every minority in Iraq the right to declare autonomy. As Êzidî people, we demand the Iraqi government does what is necessary with regard to this article, and manifests their stand in this regard. In order to ensure the recognition of the tragedy suffered by our people and to overcome all these difficulties, the legitimate rights of our people must be secured and they must lead a free life like all the other peoples in Iraq.

Additionally, we urge the United Nations, all human rights organisations and institutions and all those working to protect minority rights to follow and support our cause. We also demand the recognition of the firman suffered by our people as genocide. International forces should take all the lands housing Êzidîs under protection, form an international committee to investigate and explain the causes of the firman. All those responsible for and involved in this firman must be brought to justice and sentenced at courts."