Turkish security forces continue their attacks across North Kurdistan as part of the total warfare concept of the AKP, police have this time attacked civilian areas in Sur district of the main Kurdish city Amed.
The district has been under police blockade since last night and witnessing heavy clashes that have intensified in Hasırlı and Balıkçılarbaşı areas later in the night.
Special operation teams launched an operation in Hasırlı neighborhood and Balıkçıklarbaşı vicinity on the excuse of the trenches dug by local people to hinder detention raids by police forces. A youth lost his life as police sprayed bullets on the houses and workplaces here.
HDP Amed deputy Sibel Yiğitalp who rushed to Hasırlı neighborhood confirmed the killing of a youth in the crackdown, whose ID hasn't been clarified yet, adding that police also took his body away after killing him.
Yiğitalp told that police sprayed bullets on a number of houses and workplaces and burnt two vehicles. She said entrances of the neighborhood are also held by police forces.