People in Hakkari leave for the operation area
In addition to the ongoing airstrikes and artillery attacks against guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones, Turkish army has started preparations for a military operation in Çukurca region of Hakkari.
In addition to the ongoing airstrikes and artillery attacks against guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones, Turkish army has started preparations for a military operation in Çukurca region of Hakkari.
In addition to the ongoing airstrikes and artillery attacks against guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones, Turkish army has started preparations for a military operation in Çukurca region of Hakkari.
Turkish troops have closed the entire road between the villages of Tale (Oğul) and Dizê (Üzümcü) in Çukurca district. Civilian cars aren't being allowed to use the road through which a number of armored vehicles and heavy weaponry have been dispatched to the region.
A large number of people including HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) and DBP (Party of Democratic Regions) executives and members of the Hakkari Bar Association and IHD (Human Rights Association), have left for the operation area for a human-shield act to hinder a probable attack by the Turkish army against guerrilla areas.