Nearly 80 people detained in Behdinan after the uprising

About 80 people were detained after the uprising against Turkish occupation in Behdinan, Kurdistan Region.

After the uprising of the people of Behdinan, Dihok, Sheladize and Deralok against the occupation of the Turkish state, security forces in Duhok carried out an arrest campaign and detained as many as 80 people. Among the detainees are journalists, activists and politicians.

Guhdar Zêbari, member of the Journalists’ Rights Protection Center (METRO) in Duhok said that some members of political parties were released yet the protesters were still in custody. Zêbari stated that they are continuing their work for the rest of detainees.

Among the detainees are 3 members of the New Generation Movement, the co-chair of Tevgera Azadi (Freedom Movement) in Behdinan region and some other party members.