MXDŞ: Enthusiastic celebration of Çarşema Sor will frustrate the enemy's plans

The Shengal Democratic Autonomous Council said that celebrating the Çarşema Sor (Yazidi New Year), with great enthusiasm "will frustrate the enemy's attacks against the Yazidis and their invasion plans for Shengal."

The Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly (MXDŞ) celebrated the Yazidis' Çarşema Sor (Red Wednesday) Feast.

In a written statement published on Wednesday, the MXDŞ said, "We dedicate the holy Çarşema Sor, the feast of the New Year, to all our people, especially the families of the martyrs. Our people are going through a historic process. It is the responsibility of everyone to take care of Shengal because to protect Shengal is to protect your own values."

“Despite the plans of the Iraqi government, the Turkish state and the KDP to disperse the Yazidis, our people welcome the New Year, Çarşema Sor, in the spirit of Shengal resistance, and celebrate it with great enthusiasm. Our people must give two messages to the enemy.

First of all, the Yazidi community did not give up its culture and belief despite all the massacres and attacks they have suffered. Second, our people must celebrate the Çarşema Sor with great enthusiasm and deliver a message to the enemy which targets Shengal. The more enthusiastically the holiday is celebrated, the stronger will the enemy's discourses be frustrated.

We celebrate Çarşema Sor, which is the New Year's festival, once again with the whole Yazidi community and humanity.

As the MXDŞ, we have paid a great price in order for our people to wear their cultural clothes, speak in their own language, live in peace in their own lands and celebrate their holy days in safety. In order for our people to live freely, we will follow in the footsteps of the martyrs and create the Autonomous Shengal, which is the wish of our martyrs."