Military activity of Turkish forces continues increasingly

People’s Defence Forces (HPG) reported increasing aerial activity of Turkish military forces over guerrilla controlled zones.

People’s Defence Forces (HPG) reported increasing aerial activity of Turkish miltary forces over guerrilla controlled zones. HPG listed the following drone activites of Turkish air forces: 

-Over Sümbül area of Zagros region of Medya Defence Zones between 20:00 - 22:00 on June22, 
-Over Avaşin area and the border between 03:00 - 12:00 on June 22, 
-Over Metina area between 03:00 - 12:00 on June 22,
-Over Martyr Kawa area of Farqin district in Amed between 03:00 - 12:00 on June 22,
-Over Heftanin area between 20:00, June 22, and 04:00, June 23, 
-Over Gare area between 03:00 - 17:00 on June 22, 
-Over Zap region between 07:00 - 11:30 and 20:00 - 23:00 on June 22, and between 03:00 - 04:00 on June 23.

HPG further reported on the passage of war planes over Zap region and Gare area that were carried out between 04:00 - 05:00 on June 23. 
HPG also informed that Turkish soldiers are involved in a military activity to re-emplace the old military posts near Yekamk military post located on the border of Hefatnin area in Medya Defence Zones. 
HPG lastly reported that large amounts of armoured vehicles were deployed to Korxê military post in the Lice district of Amed at 23: 00 on June 22, while Turkish soldiers laid ambushes on Çemê Elıka village road in between Amed and Lice during the morning hours of June 23.