Kurdish artists in Europe: Today is the day to unite and resist

Kurdish Culture and Art people in Europe, who made a statement against the attacks of the occupying Turkish state, said “Today is the day to stand up, ensure our national unity and move for freedom."

Kurdish Culture and Art people in Europe made a statement against the invasion attacks of the Turkish state in Kurdistan territory after the launch of yet another invasion campaign against the Metina region in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

Recalling the defeat of the AKP-MHP government in the local elections on 31 March, the statement said, "The colonialist Turkish state has once again launched invasion attacks on Kurdistan."

"The invasion and annihilation attack against Southern Kurdistan reveals what kind of mentality the Turkish colonialism and its executive power, AKP-MHP fascism, have and how it has deepened in its Kurdish hostility. As Kurdish culture and art labourers, we do not accept this situation in any way."

The statement continued with the following call upon the Kurdish people, their friends and cultural and artistic institutions:

"Let us oppose these occupation and annihilation attacks of the colonialist Turkish state in every field we are in; let us stand by our people and our freedom fighters.

This is our call to our people in Bakur, Bashûr, Rojava, Rojhilat and all Kurdistani forces:

Today is the day of unity and resistance against the invasion and annihilation attacks, the day to stand up in every field we are in against the colonialism that colonises our country and seeks to destroy our people with massacres, the day to ensure our national unity and move for freedom."