KONGRA GEL calls upon everyone to rise up for Cizre

KONGRA GEL has called upon the people of Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe to stand up against the massacres being perpetrated by state forces in Cizre.

KONGRA GEL has called upon the people of Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe to stand up against the massacres being perpetrated by state forces in Cizre and said “As Kobanê has been the place where ISIS lost, Cizre will similarly be the place where AKP’s dirty war policies face the same result”.

KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency has issued a statement regarding the massacre of civilians and people’s resistance in Cizre, stressing that the Kurdish people are building their own solution model through self-governance and self-defense against the AKP state which rejected a solution and is hoping to benefit from the dirty war tactics of the 90’s. The statement remarked that the people will eliminate the dirty war imposed on them by waging a big resistance.

Saluting the resistance of the people in Kurdistan against the state of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aiming to break the free will of the Kurdish people, Cizre in the first place, KONGRA GEL drew attention to the freedom struggle in Botan region, where Cizre occupies a central place and said: “The success of the resistance waged by people of Cizre will significantly determine how the process will evolve. Therefore Cizre is not Cizre alone. Cizre is what Kobanê was”. KONGRA GEL added that the AKP state is for that very reason trying its best to break the will of Cizre people through the curfew and all kinds of inhuman methods.

Recalling that the wounded are not allowed to reach the hospitals and the bodies of the casualties are denied burial while people are not allowed to meet their basic needs in Cizre, KONGRA GEL strongly called on all the people of Kurdistan to stand up in support of Cizre resistance:

“All parts of Kurdistan must rise up. Peoples of South, East and West Kurdistan must support the people of North through mass actions. In North Kurdistan, the settlements must continue to declare self-governance in order to impose a solution and to reclaim the resistance of peoples of Cizre. All places must be turned into Cizre”, said KONGRA GEL further calling on the peoples of Turkey to build a peace and democracy front against the dirty war of the AKP and to expose the policies of the AKP and Erdoğan in metropolitan cities of the country.

KONGRA GEL also called upon the Kurdish people living in Europe to rise up in order to support the resistance in Cizre and raise awareness among the European public about what is going in Cizre, stressing that all the people must mobilize with the awareness that whatever will be done must be done right now.