KDP prevents passage of YPG/YPJ fighters’ bodies

KDP officials prevented the passage of 13 YPG/YPJ fighters’ bodies from Sêmalka Border Gate to South Kurdistan from where they will be sent to North Kurdistan.

KDP officials prevented the passage of 13 YPG/YPJ fighters’ bodies from Sêmalka Border Gate to South Kurdistan from where they will be sent to North Kurdistan. The fighters had died in clashes against ISIS gangs in Rojava.

As KDP officials stated that they prevented the passage due to the request of the Turkish state,  people in Rojava Kurdistan began to protest the party.

After consistently failing to condemn the Turkish state for its genocidal attacks and bombardments, KDP now prevented the delivery of 13 YPG/YPJ fighters’ bodies from Sêmalka Border Gate to South Kurdistan.

Bodies of YPG/YPJ fighters Mêrxas Kawa, Êrîş Colemêrg, Canda Çarçela, Derwîş Patnos, Dilbirîn Qoser, Kurtay (?), Berxwedan Eylem, Berxwedan Besta, Serhed Botan, Welat Munzur, Çiya Agir, Dilsoz Bihar and Gabar Farqîn who lost their lives during the clashes against ISIS gangs in Cizîr Canton were earlier brought to Sêmalka Border Gate after a glorious ceremony with the participation of thousands of people.

KDP officials at the border said that they would not allow the delivery of these bodies due to the request of the Turkish state, and people in Rojava Kurdistan began to protest KDP at the border gate. People of Dêrik also began to protest KDP’s decision to prevent the passage of 13 YPG/YPJ martyrs into South Kurdistan.