HPG: Turkish army destroying Kurdistan nature by setting forests on fire

HPG reported that military activities of Turkish military forces were going on, while the Turkish army also continued the destruction of the Kurdistan nature by setting forests on fire, especially in the Botan region.

People’s Defence Forces (HPG) reported in a written statement that military activities of Turkish military forces were going on, while the Turkish army also continued the destruction of the Kurdistan nature by setting forests on fire, especially in the Botan region.

HPG recalled their previous statements that guerrilla forces would respond to attacks, adding “Attacks on nature have been added to the attacks on guerrillas. We announce hereby that we will not remain silent to these attacks either”.

According to the HPG statement, Turkish forces carried out reconnaissance flights over the following guerrilla areas;

- Heftanin area of Medya Defence Zones and the border line at 21:00 on July 16 and July 17 (today),

- Metina area between 06:00 - 16:00 on July 16,

- Zap Region between 11:00 - 13:00 and 18:00 - 22:00 on July 16,

- Kîrekor area of Iğdır between 13:00 - 15:00 on July 16,

- Çırav and Gabar areas of Botan between 20:00 on July 16 and 01:00 on July 17.

An activity of Turkish warplanes also took place over Metina area of Medya Defence Zones between 02:00 - 03:00 on July 17.


HPG went on reporting that a fire was started due to the random fires opened by Turkish soldiers at the Bespin (Görümlü) military outpost against Herbol area in the region of Mount Cudi in Şırnak at 03:00 on July 16.

Moreover, Turkish soldiers at the Doğan military post in Cudi area also bombarded Hill Ali area with heavy weaponry at 19:00 on the same day.


The statement said that Turkish soldiers accompanied by armoured vehicles launched an operation in the area between Doğubeyazıt district of Ağrı and the village of Çiftlik at 19:00 on July 15. guerrilla forces who noticed the operation in advance hit the armored vehicles effectively with heavy weaponry, after which Turkish troops retreated.


A group of counter guerrilla forces dressed in guerrilla uniforms have been putting pressure on nomadic people in Mount Nemrud located in Tatvan district of Bitlis, reported the HPG statement.


In the meantime, Iranian pasdarans laid ambushes against guerrillas who were on move from Başkale (Elbak) district of Van to Urmia city in East Kurdistan in the evening hours of July 15, which resulted in eruption of a short-lasting clash.

The Iranian army on the other hand launched an operation in the Şehidan area located at the borderline of Xakurke region of Medya Defence Zones on July 16. HPG reported that the operation of the Iranian army in the mentioned area continues.