42 fighters join YBŞ ranks in Shengal

42 fighters have completed their training and joined the ranks of Shengal Resistance Units.

42 fighters have completed the ‘Martyr Hejar’ training cycle at Dewreşe Ewdi Academy in Shengal and officially joined the ranks of Shengal Resistance Units, YBŞ.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, YBŞ commander Zerdeşt Şengal said the following; “Enhancing the revolution of Shengal and implementing the self-defense of our people with the YBŞ is becoming the best response against threats and attempts of attack. Our people need training more than anything else. For this reason, this training is of great importance and meaning to us. All the comrades here will follow our martyrs who sacrificed their lives to create a free piece of land and organization of the YBŞ.”

Referring the Turkish state’s attacks and threats against Efrîn Canton of Rojava, YBŞ commander continued; “This attack also targets Êzidî villages. The Turkish state, which played a role in 2014’s onslaught on Shengal, is attacking the forces that hindered a genocide by saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Êzidîs. Just like our people in Rojava mobilized all their means and undertook a role in the resistance here, we, too, are ready to stand and resist with them against any attack that will happen to target them. We are ready to do our part in the event of an attack against the Êzidîs and other people in Efrîn.”

The ceremony ended after the new recruits took their oath.