4 April celebrations continue in mountains of Kurdistan

The birthday of the Kurdish Leader Abdullah Öcalan was celebrated in the Medya Defence Zones by hundreds of guerrillas.

The birthday of the Kurdish Leader Abdullah Öcalan was celebrated in the Medya Defence Zones by hundreds of guerrillas.

The celebration was attended by YJA STAR commander Nalin Dilpak and HPG commanders Yılmaz Dersim and Hayri Amed as well as hundreds of guerrillas. The celebrations started with a military ceremony and was followed by a speech made by YJA STAR commander Nalin Dilpak.

Celebrating the birthday of the Kurdish Leader, Dilpak said that for the Kurdish people, the peoples of the Middle East and, primarily for women, 4 April marks rebirth and the recognition of the essence of their own existence, adding that 4 April marks an emergence into existence for the Kurdish people.

Dilpak concluded by saying that they will step up the struggle to meet the free leader in a free country, while the guerrillas chanted slogans demanding the freedom of the Kurdish Leader.

The guerrillas then planted trees in a garden they established and named “Garden of the Leadership”.

The celebrations ended with halay performances following cultural activities prepared by the guerrillas.