34 terrorists captured, 5 others eliminated in SDF’s counter-terrorism operations in July and August

SDF calls on the international community to provide increased support to their forces and civilians in areas liberated from ISIS to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are making significant progress in countering ISIS terrorist cells, restricting their movements, and thwarting their attempts to destabilize the region and endanger civilian lives despite the security threats posed by Turkish occupation and the Syrian regime and their affiliated militias, and diverting a substantial portion of our resources to maintaining security and preventing ISIS from achieving its objectives.

Despite ISIS’s covert activities and attempts to diversify its operations, the SDF, with the invaluable support of the international coalition, have successfully contained the terrorist organization’s threat and thwarted numerous attacks during July and August.

In a statement on Friday, the SDF Press Center said: “During July and August, our forces conducted 16 successful counter-terrorism operations, resulting in the capture of 34 terrorists and the elimination of five others. Among those captured were dangerous leaders who had planned numerous terrorist attacks, including an expert in improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a financial official for ISIS in Raqqa, and several members of cells involved in attacks against our forces and civilians. The five terrorists eliminated during these operations included three high-ranking ISIS leaders and a key planner and participant in the January 2022 attack on the al-Sina’a Prison in the Gweran neighborhood, al-Hasakah City. The areas of operations were Raqqa, al-Karama, Deir ez-Zor, Markada, al-Suar, Qamishlo, al-Hasakah.”

The statement underlined that: “The fight against ISIS remains a priority for us to prevent ISIS from resurgence. In light of this, we reiterate our call for the international community to provide increased support to our forces and civilians in areas liberated from ISIS. This support is crucial for ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS. We also highlight the importance of continued support by the international coalition to our forces in maintaining security and stability and countering any threats posed by ISIS terrorist cells.”