ÖHP applies to Van Bar Association regarding İmralı isolation

ÖHD applied to the Van Bar Association after no response was given to its application to the Ministry of Justice regarding the İmralı isolation.

No news has been received from Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and his fellow prisoners, Ömer Hayri Konar, Veysi Aktaş and Hamili Yıldırım, in İmralı F Type High Security Prison for 39 months. Since no response has been received to the application made by 1,300 lawyers to the Ministry of Justice regarding the absolute isolation in İmralı Island Prison, 74 lawyers from the Van Branch of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) applied to the Van Bar Association.

Mehtap Işık, Co-Chair of ÖHD Van Branch, said, "1,300 lawyers from 35 bar associations applied to the Ministry of Justice in January to meet with our client Mr Öcalan. Although 6 months have passed since, the ministry has not responded. We are applying to the Van Bar Association to demand an end to the isolation of Mr Öcalan and to meet with our client."

Drawing attention to the protests in prisons as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a political solution to the Kurdish question" campaign, Işık said, "The isolation that started in İmralı has spread to all prisons. We do not know what is going on in prisons."

Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan is completely cut off from the outside world, along with Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş, who are under absolute isolation in İmralı Island Prison.

According to Asrın Law Office, from 27 July 2011 to date, only 5 lawyer visits were allowed between May and August 2019. The last of these five meetings was on 7 August 2019. Only 5 family visits have been granted since 2014. The last face-to-face meeting was with Öcalan's brother was on 3 March 2020. Öcalan has only been able to make two phone calls since the first day (on 27 April 2020 and 25 March 2021). The last phone call on 25 March 2021 was interrupted after a very short time and there has been no news from him since that day.

The Kurdish people and their friends continue their protests in Kurdistan and all over the world, demanding immediate access to Öcalan, whom they recognize as their leader.

Prisoners continue to boycott phone calls and family visits, and do not appear in court, as part of the action demanding "freedom for Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish question."

The action launched by PKK and PAJK political prisoners on 27 November 2023 has reached its 201st day.

Prisoners, who took their alternating hunger strike actions to a new stage as of 4 April, decided to boycott the courts and not have phone calls or family visits.

Prisoners made the following statement on the 130th day of the hunger strike: "Our hunger strike showed the need to evolve to a new stage and as of 4 April, the birthday of our Leader (Öcalan), we changed strategy. Our decision to boycott the courts, which do not even recognize their own laws when it comes to the Kurdish question, as well as refusing visits and calls, has been taken to give new impulse to our demand to free our leader and work to achieve a democratic solution to the Kurdish question."