Six journalists remanded in custody
Six journalists detained in line with an Istanbul-based investigation three days ago were remanded in custody due to their professional activities.
Six journalists detained in line with an Istanbul-based investigation three days ago were remanded in custody due to their professional activities.
Journalists Necla Demir, Rahime Karvar, Ahmet Güneş, Welat Ekin, Vedat Örüç and Reyhan Hacıoğlu, who were detained in house raids on January 17 as part of an Istanbul-based investigation, were imprisoned on charges of “membership in an illegal organization”, referring to the PKK.
The court decision was grounded on the news articles and discussion programs of the journalists.
Necla Demir, Rahime Karvar, Ahmet Güneş and Welat Ekin, who were detained in Istanbul, were taken to the Istanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan. Reyhan Hacıoğlu, who was detained in Van, and Vedat Örüç, who was detained in Mersin, gave their statements via Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS).
Journalists protested the court decision with victory signs and the slogan “Free Press cannot be silenced”. Journalists and citizens in the courthouse also supported the journalists as they were sent to prison.
It is reported that journalists Welat Ekin and Ahmet Güneş were beaten by the police during their referral from the Security Directorate to the Courthouse because they did not bow their heads.