CPJ calls for investigation into drone strike on Kurdish journalists in Shengal

The Committee to Protect Journalists called for an investigation into the drone strike on Kurdish journalists in Shengal.

The Committee to Protect Journalists called on Turkish and Iraqi authorities to investigate after a Turkish strike injured two Iraqi Kurdish reporters.

The two Çira TV reporters - Mydia Hussen and Murad Mirza - were with their driver Khalaf Khdir returning from covering the tenth anniversary of an ISIS attack on the southern village Tal al-Qasab, according to Argash Shengali, a board member of Germany-based satellite broadcaster Çira TV. Shengali said "the car lacked any media markings."

The strike hit the journalists’ car in Shengal District in northern Iraq on Monday, July 8, according to Shengali and Mehvan Hinji, head of Êzidxan Asayish forces, which is affiliated with the Shengal Resistance Units (YBS).

Both reporters are currently being treated for head injuries at Sinjar Hospital in Sinjar city, Shingali said. The driver was also injured, he said.

"Iraqi and Turkish authorities must immediately and thoroughly investigate the car strike that injured two Çira TV reporters and their driver to determine its cause," said CPJ Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna, in New York. "Local authorities must ensure journalists’ safety in northern Iraq as they report on crucial events."