Sozdar Avesta: Kurdish people are resisting genocide

Sozdar Avesta paid tribute to the people resisting in Tishrin Dam.

In the second part of this interview, KCK General Presidential Council Member Sozdar Avesta spoke about the resistance of the people of Kurdistan and the 26th anniversary of the capture of Abdullah Öcalan.

The first part of the interview can be rea here.

On the one hand, there are positive efforts for this process to proceed in the right direction, but on the other hand, there are also approaches that are far from a solution. In this course one has to mention the attacks on North and East Syria. The Tishrin Dam is being targeted and bombed incessantly, and this is taking place in front of the eyes of the whole world. How do you evaluate this brutality of the Turkish state against the people, the invasion attacks and the unprecedented resistance of the people in Rojava against all this?

Once again, I respectfully and with all my love greet the months-long resistance of our people in North and East Syria and gratefully commemorate all the martyrs. Since December 8, the attacks on North and East Syria have been intensified. In the past, it was ISIS that attacked Kobane and Shengal with great hatred, and today the same brutality is being inflicted on our people at the Tishrin Dam in front of the eyes of the whole world. The people get their electricity and water from this dam. That is why the Turkish state and its gangs and mercenaries want to take or destroy it. It attacks the dam as part of its genocidal concept. The people, regardless of age, and particularly women, are standing guard at the Thishrin Dam in this cold, in the middle of winter. And still, the Turkish state is carrying out such immoral attacks. It is bombing and massacring people who are dancing and tries to break the will of these honorable, strong-willed people. In Tishrin, once again it is revealed that no power can break the will of an organized people. The will of an organized people is greater than any power.

Our people there, Bave Teyar among them, in many interviews said: “We are greater than death”. This people who have chosen freedom have defeated death and fear. What power can defeat this people? They know that they cannot defeat the people, yet they continue the genocide. Public opinion remains silent against these attacks. The fascist Erdogan is supposedly brokering a ceasefire in Gaza, but what is the difference between the people of Palestine and Kurdistan, Northern and Eastern Syria? On the one hand he is doing this, and on the other hand he is massacring a people. There is a so-called new power in Syria, HTS, and in front of their eyes the people of Northern and Eastern Syria are suffering a genocide. But they have more relations with Erdogan. Can they ensure unity between the peoples in this way? Can they defend the unity of Syria? It is their mentality that creates the real disintegration, their brutal attacks against this will. The people of North and East Syria show what democracy is, how a free co-existence of peoples and beliefs can look like, and what democratic confederalism and democratic nation are.

Among those who were martyred were also members of the Zenobia Women’s Council, both Kurdish and Arab women. Already when the attack on Manbij took place, they deliberately targeted and abducted members of the women’s council of Manbij. With these attacks, they are taking revenge on the paradigm of women’s liberation. It is the mentality of ISIS. The mercenaries of ISIS were saying that they must prevent being killed by the hands of women in order to go to heaven. They have such a dark mentality. And they want to make those the governors of the new Syria.

The resistance of the people against this is very important. They are going to Tishreen as human shields; they are not leaving their lands, they are not migrating, and they should not migrate. With this stance they have demonstrated the patriotic stance of the 21st century. They are waging a revolutionary people’s war.

Our people in northern Kurdistan took important actions from the beginning. They started to hold vigils in Nisebin (tr. Nusaybin) and Pirsus (tr. Suruc), they organized marches in many places, but these are not enough. They should embrace the resistance in North and East Syria stronger, everyone should mobilize in the face of this resistance and increase their struggle. Our people in southern and eastern Kurdistan, as well as in Shengal and Europe, must also more strongly embrace the resistance. The peoples of North and East Syria are going through a struggle of life and death. By the destruction of the dam, the enemy wants to put the peoples of North and East Syria through a great disaster. Therefore, our people must take a stand against these attacks wherever they are. What is being done is not enough. The peoples of North and East Syria must not be left alone.

The coalition forces are right there, and they are issuing daily statements, but these people are being massacred in front of their eyes. Could they not prevent the Turkish state and its gangs from further attacking? It could easily prevent it. It could establish a no-fly zone. The Turkish state and its gangs cannot fight against the freedom fighters on the ground, so they are constantly attacking from the air. The coalition forces must fulfill their duty. Twelve thousand people gave their lives for this struggle. The resistance and heroism of the Kurds, the peoples of North and East Syria, are well known. And it is neither moral, conscientious, nor humanitarian to remain silent while all this is happening, solely for their own interests. On the one hand, the Turkish state is trying to break the will of the peoples of North and East Syria and destroy their gains, on the other hand, it talks about wanting a democratic Syria.

Once again, the peoples of North and East Syria, especially women and youth, are showing a very honorable stance and resistance. This is the stance of freedom, this is the woman in struggle. Kongra Star, the Zenobia Women’s Council, the Syrian Women’s Council, the defense forces of YPJ and SDF, and the peoples of North and East Syria are taking an honorable stance and represent a common will. We draw strength from their honorable stance. They are resisting not only for North and East Syria but for all humanity, for the freedom of all women. If this ISIS mentality prevails in the region, no one will be safe. That is why the resistance in North and East Syria must be given much more support. A limit must be put on the Turkish state and its gangs and mercenaries. It is impossible to put this burden only on the shoulders of the Kurdish people. The people of North and East Syria, regardless of their age, continue the legacy of Bave Teyar, Menice, Muzaffer, Kerem Ehmed, and all those who gave their lives within this struggle. Before they had even held the funerals of their martyrs, they again suffered two martyrs and many wounded in new attacks. It is their struggle and resistance that will bring upon great success.

We are gradually approaching February 15, the anniversary of the abduction of people's leader Abdullah Öcalan. Although a process has been initiated, he still is under severe total isolation. What should be done in order for the struggle to reach its goal?

This year, February 15 marks the 26th anniversary of the international conspiracy. Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] has been a prisoner, a hostage, for 26 years. The purpose of this conspiracy will be discussed more widely this year. At that time, Rêber Apo said: “The aim of this conspiracy is to start a war between the Kurdish and Turkish people that will last for centuries; a war in which both the Kurdish and Turkish people will lose”. The anniversary of the international conspiracy also marks the 100th anniversary of the revolt of Sheikh Said and his friends. The Kurdish people have been struggling for their freedom in different ways and methods for a hundred years. The PKK, the freedom movement, has also developed in this vein. The method, mentality, and ideas are of course very different, but the Kurdish people have been resisting for a hundred years. The Republic of Turkey has a hundred-year history, and the Kurdish people have a hundred-year history of struggle.

What makes this year’s anniversary so specific is the fact that Rêber Apo is in this process. There is a lot of talk about the upcoming February 15. It is said that Rêber Apo will make a call. As the people of Kurdistan, the international friends of the Kurdish people, all democratic forces, women, youth, and all parts of society, we must bring the struggle against isolation to its peak on February 15 and make it the basis for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. This is crucial. These are symbolic days in world history. We can turn February 15 from one of the darkest days in history to one of the brightest shining. Rêber Apo’s ways and methods are like this. Wherever there is despair, he creates great hope. He illuminates where there is darkness. He achieves great gains at a time when it was believed that there was nothing left. Rêber Apo’s ways and methods have brought the struggle to the present day and achieved great gains.

I believe that the period we are in will create a difference for the freedom struggle of the people of Kurdistan, women, and all peoples. But we must not wait for anyone to take initiative and must increase our own struggle. There are some actions planned in this regard, such as the long march led by the youth in Europe. Kurdish organizations abroad have done some symbolic actions this year. For example, there is the action of 26 people from 26 cities who will walk for 26 days. I salute all those who participate in these actions. Such colorful protests should be organized everywhere. Everyone should support the move developed by Rêber Apo in order for the process to succeed. Those who will lead this are our struggling people and the international friends of our people.

Regarding the global freedom campaign for Rêber Apo and the solution of the Kurdish question, it is necessary to make preparations for February 15, to turn that day into a great success, a great day of freedom, a day when Rêber Apo’s physical freedom is achieved. There is still some time, but there mustn’t be any procrastination, preparations must be made, and all kind of actions must be taken and organized. They wanted to make this century the century of genocide of the peoples, but Rêber Apo wants to make it the peoples’ spring, the century of freedom for the peoples, women, and all humanity. This process can provide a great breakthrough in this regard. Everyone must play their role in this process, which needs to be pioneered by the women and the youth.