Pictures from Istanbul rally against usurpation of people's will in Hakkari

Pictures from the rally organized by Istanbul Labor, Peace and Democracy Forces in Kartal Square against the usurpation of Hakkari municipality with the slogan "We will not allow the trustees to pass for our labor and freedom".

Pictures from the rally organized by Istanbul Labor, Peace and Democracy Forces in Kartal Square against the usurpation of Hakkari (Colemêrg) municipality with the slogan "We will not allow the trustees to pass for our labor and freedom"...

A rally held in Istanbul to protest the occupation of Hakkari municipality that was attended by tens of thousands of people has ended.

Istanbul Labor, Peace and Democracy Forces held a rally in Kartal Square with the slogan "We will not allow trustees for our labor and freedom" to protest the usurpation of Hakkari municipality. Tens of thousands of people attended the rally, including unions, political parties and organizations, labor and professional organizations, women's and youth organizations.