Mahmoud Patel issues call against isolation

South African Communist Party Mahmoud Patel issue a call against isolation

The isolation and occupation attacks against Leader Abdullah Öcalan came to the fore at the anniversary event of the South African Communist Party.

The guest of honor at the event and also a friend of the Kurds, academic Mahmut Patel, said: "The communist party should never forget the situation of Öcalan and the Kurdish people."

Mahmut Patel spoke to ANF and saluted the call for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan by 59 Nobel Prize winners.

Making a speech as a guest of honor at the 103rd anniversary of the foundation of the South African Communist Party, Kurdish friend Mahmut Patel drew attention to the situation of Abdullah Öcalan.

Patel, who is also the chairman of the South African Kurdish Working Group, said: "The Communist Party should not forget comrade Öcalan, who has been in isolation for 25 years. I would like to remind you that no news has been received from him for 3 years."

In his speech, Mahmut Patel also touched on the attacks by the Turkish state against South Kurdistan and Rojava. He said that the Turkish state has been a partner of the Apartheid regime for years. Patel concluded his speech by saying, "Greetings to everyone from the occupied east, south, Rojava and northern Kurdistan."

Mahmoud Patel said: "Revolutionary greetings. Following the 103rd anniversary of the South African Communist Party in South Africa, I bring you greetings of solidarity on this occasion. The Communist Party of South Africa, the oldest and largest communist party in Africa, has reaffirmed its solidarity with the Kurdish people. In particular, the Secretary General recalled the unconditional release of Leader Apo, Abdullah Öcalan, on the island of Imrali.

More importantly, the Communist Party of South Africa has reaffirmed its determination to strengthen its campaigns internationally for the freedom of the Kurdish people, political prisoners and especially the unconditional release of Abdullah Öcalan. We would also like to state that we support and recognize all Nobel laureates who have initiated and pledged their campaigns for the release of Abdullah Öcalan.

We have called for unconditional access to Leader Apo and all other political prisoners on the island of Imrali. They have also reaffirmed their continued commitment. Thank you, comrades.”