Kurdish workers attacked in Muğla

Around twenty fascists attacked Kurdish workers in Muğla / Seydikemer, claiming that they had not let them pass. Abdulhalim Yavuz, who was injured, said: “We suffered this attack because we are Kurds. They want us to leave.”

A family from Mardin, who worked in a greenhouse in the neighborhood of Kumluova in the Seydikemer district of Muğla, was attacked by a group of 20 people.

Abdulhalim Yavuz said an argument took place on the road around 6 p.m. on June 28, while his nephew Resul Yavuz was leaving work. Yavuz said: "During the argument, one person threatened my nephew, accusing him of not giving him way, and called someone on the phone. Another group of around fifteen people, including the head of the Kumluova district, came."

Yavuz said: "When my brother and I got there, my nephew was sitting covered in blood. A crowd was waiting with machetes, knives and sticks. When we asked them why they did this, they started attacking us. They want to kick us out of here because we are Kurds. During the argument, they constantly said they didn’t want us there, swore and insulted us."